Current Season

Rapid React

For this season, teams have been given a challenge to make a robot that can shoot oversized tennis balls (cargo) into two bowl-shaped targets (hubs) at different heights. Teams can deploy the cargo into the hubs, and score 2 points in the upper hub, or 1 point in the lower hub. Players can access their robot from an access point called the terminal, and the robot can give them cargo, or the human player, can give cargo to the robot. Cargo also lays on the ground, which robots can collect. At the end of the match (last 30 seconds) teams can score points on a series of Monkey bars at different heights, called the hanger. 4 on the lowest bar, 6 on the mid-bar, 10 on the high-rung, and 15 on the traversal rung. The first 15 seconds is autonomous, which means the robot drives without humans controlling it.

Here is a video explaining the challenge.